Change Agents

We have been engaged for more than 20 years in civil society action for a better world, in the areas of campaigning and communication, strategy setting and systemic change management and hands on implementation. Our mission is to support you in creating change for the benefit of future generations and of all life on earth. Our aim is to empower positive forces in the sector of civil society, green business and politics to make positive change happen... Read More

Coaching and Mentorship

We coach leaders to bring their organization to the next level and mentor high-potentials to take off and fly. We help to build up teams to perform better and run trainings based on best practices. We offer strategic advice, campaigning and organizational support across a wide range of different environmental and social issues as well as empowering management support techniques. We have been working in the area of environmentalism and NGO-management... Read More

Creating Change: Campaigns

We offer you to develop world class campaigns which excite people and raise income. A campaign knows the relevant audiences and their concerns. A campaign builds on uniqueness and repetition of claims, powerful messages and visuals – and works both with mobilization of emotions and people. A campaign always is led by positive solutions and based on ethical values. A world class campaign creates a powerful momentum for change, by touching the right... Read More

Challenges for Change: Problems and Crises

We assist you in fixing problems and maneuvering through crisis situations. “Crisis is a productive state. Simply remove the after- taste of catastrophe.” (Max Frisch, Swiss author). Change hurts, as we know. These situations can be perceived as unbearable, especially when your people do not support this change. Very often leaders tend to act before they understand. Because in many cases, crises just indicate the transition from one development... Read More

Empowering Change: Living Strategy

Today’s world is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA). This calls for a paradigm shift in order to stay capable of acting and making decisions.  The mantra of “predict and control” can hardly be applied in this VUCA world, which disqualifies most of the traditional management approaches. For the development of strategies we need a new approach containing the treasure that is essential for the future success of any organisation... Read More