As change agents in the external word we can support internal change in your organisation and company. We use our experience and education in systemic change management for accurate assessments of the state of your organisation, vision and strategy processes, unleashing deadlocks and handling crisis situations.
We have been working in the area of environmentalism and NGO-management for more than 20 years. We contributed as managers and advisors to... Read More
Filed under Silder · Tagged with beratung, campaign, change, consultancy, drumel, environment, facilitation, facilitations, Four Paws International, GLOBAL 2000, Greenpeace, Greenpeace CEE, Greenpeace International, innovative, kampagne, klimaschutz, matthias schickhofer, Mentor, mobilisation, moderation, Moderationen, NGO, Non for Profit Organisation, Ökobüro, potential, schickhofer, strategies, systemic approach, systemischer ansatz, team, training, Trainings, umwelt, Vier Pfoten, Vision, WWF, WWF Austria
We offer you to develop world class campaigns which excite people and raise income.
A campaign knows the relevant audiences and their concerns. A campaign builds on uniqueness and repetition of claims, powerful messages and visuals – and works both with mobilization of emotions and people. A campaign always is led by positive solutions and based on ethical values.
A world class campaign
creates a powerful momentum for change, by touching the right... Read More
Filed under Our Services · Tagged with activation, advocacy, beratung, best practise, campaign, campaign planning, change, claim, claims, climate, climate protection, coaching, communication, consultancy, creative, drumel, emotion, emotions, environment, ethic values, evaluation, Evaluations, facilitation, facilitations, foto, fotos, Greenpeace, innovative, Integrated communication, kampagne, klima, klimaschutz, kommunikation, leverage, leverage point, market development, media production, media work, medien, Mentor, message, messages, mission, mobilisation, moderation, Moderationen, momentum, NGO, Non for Profit Organisation, Non for Profit Organisations, objectives, photo, photography, photos, positioning, positive solution, positive solutions, potential, PR, press, presse, schickh, schickhofer, schickhofer photography, solutions, strategic PR, strategies, syndication, systemic approach, systemisch, tactics, training, Trainings, umwelt, Vision, visual, visuals, web2.0